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Free image optimization for students

Don't spend another second worrying about compressing your images. Students can install Imgbot for free in all public and private projects. No strings attached.

An Imgbot pull request example on GitHub

1. Install

Install Imgbot from the GitHub marketplace into your projects with the click of a button.

2. Merge

Imgbot will send you your first pull request optimizing all of the images that it can find.

3. Win

Imgbot watches for new images in your repository and opens more pull requests.

If you need any help at any time, contact

Why should I optimize my images?

Whatever it is you are working on, it is worth it to reduce the size of your image files. When your image file size is smaller, your bandwidth is reduced letting you do more with less.

Backpack with GitHub logo

What is the GitHub Student Developer Pack?

The GitHub Student Developer Pack is a program created by GitHub that helps students learn through doing by giving them free access to the best developer tools in one place. Find out more here.

See why more than 150,000 projects rely on Imgbot